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#312: Finish!!



As we round in to the fourth quarter of the year. As we make the turn down the home stretch. As we  round third and head for home. Or whatever other cheesy sports metaphor you can think of we want to be aware of our mindset. We have both made the mistake in our career of counting down the days we have until the year is over and we will be able to wash our hands of the school year. What we have learned the hard way because of that is it doesn't put you or your students in a position to succeed in the next school year-- it leaves you with a hole to dig out of because you are literally running on empty when the year is done.  Here's what we focused on in this episode: Being intentional and taking care of yourself as we finish the year Asking yourself the question, "What's next?" Keeping our eyes on next year How this generations of teachers will change the game Thank you so much for listening and supporting the podcast! We're glad you're here! Follow us on Instagram: