Inflection Point With Lauren Schiller

"I am powerful by just living" - Sarah McBride, LGBTQ activist & author of "Tomorrow Will Be Different"



Sarah McBride made history as the first transgender person to speak at a national political convention in 2016. As of 2018, more than half of LGBTQ people live in states that don’t protect them from discrimination or are even actively hostile towards them. In the most challenging moments--the 2016 election results, everyday sexism and misogyny and the death of her young husband--even then she fights to update our laws to protect and include LGBTQ people. Her vision and focus on achieving a more equal world, where everyone is seen and accepted for who they are, is so clear that it almost seems simple. So why does it have to be so hard to get to that point? Listen to my conversation with Sarah McBride, LGBTQ activist and author of the new book, “Tomorrow Will Be Different”. And when you’re done, come on over to The Inflection Point Society, our Facebook group of everyday activists who seek to make extraordinary change through small, daily actions. Want to support more stories of how women rise up? Go to: in