Inflection Point With Lauren Schiller

What Happens When Sexual Assault Goes Unpunished: Sarah Delia, “She Says”



When radio journalist Sarah Delia heard a story about the sexual assault of one of her station’s listeners, “Linda” (not her real name), she knew it was a story that needed to be told. It’s also a story about how one survivor took matters into her own hands when the police department she turned to for help seemed to be failing to help her. And it’s a story about how our criminal justice system handles sexual assault cases nationwide--and what needs to change to make violence against women the exception rather than the status quo. Sarah turned Linda’s story into a new investigative podcast series called “She Says”. Listen to our conversation about the courage it takes to tell your story of sexual assault--and keep telling it---until you are heard by someone who can help you get justice. And also--what it takes to be the person who takes on the “second-degree trauma” of listening to and reporting on stories of sexual assault. Join the conversation when you join our “Inflection Point Society” Facebook Group—