Inflection Point With Lauren Schiller

What Trans Women Can Teach Cis Women (and vice versa) - Daniela Petruzelak, Diversity Activist



Daniela Petruzalek is an accomplished software engineer from Brazil, who started working with computers at the age of 14. She’s always tried to fit into the male dominated field, but it was in direct conflict with who she really was, even growing up. The thing is, Daniela has lived most of her life as a male. But three years ago, she took the leap to transition to her true female self and had to fight her own internal prejudices. And not only that, she was now competing in that same very male field, but as a woman. Daniela has made it her mission as a trans woman, to make the white, cisgender male dominated tech industry truly inclusive. Join the conversation when you join our “Inflection Point Society” Facebook Group— for everyday activists who want to make extraordinary social change through everyday actions. Listener support is the engine that keeps us rolling! Consider supporting at