Inflection Point With Lauren Schiller

There Is No Peak Fury - Rebecca Traister, Author of "Good And Mad: The Revolutionary Power Of Women’s Anger"



There’s a reason that women are angry. Since the founding of this country, we have been faced with men in power who are set on shutting us down, and shutting us out. Revolutionary fury isn’t just for the founding fathers. And ladies, even though we’ve been stewing in our ever-growing anger for the past 242 years, we have just begun to fight. Listen to my conversation with Rebecca Traister, author of the New York Times Bestseller, Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger. This conversation was recorded live in Berkeley, CA on October 10th, 2018 as part of Women Lit, a program of the Bay Area Book Festival. Want to show your support for Inflection Point? Here are few ways: Financial: Go to Emotional: Come on over to The Inflection Point Society, our Facebook group of everyday activists who seek to make extraordinary change through small, daily actions. Sensational: Subscribe to “Inflection Point” to get more stories of how women rise up right in your fee