The Kate Valentine Ufo Show

Tails from Majestic Jason Chapman



Jason Chap­man author of The Angel Com­mit­tee devel­op­ing and entire fran­chise focussing on the UFO phe­nom­e­non, and the gov­ern­ment cover up with his Tales From Majes­tic series. Tales from Majestic is set in 1947 in the aftermath of the Roswell UFO crash. The plot line follows the Majestic 12 group that Truman allegedly set up to investigate the wreckage. Some of the storyline focuses on specific members Vannevar Bush, Roscoe Hillenkotter. As the story progresses I am introducing more characters both fictional and actual people from history. The reason behind this short story series is that I was huge fan of the X Files and Dark Skies in the 90s, as well as Spielberg’s Taken. I feel that the publishing industry is being dominated by Vampires, werewolves, and Zombies. I thought it was about time literature was available with an alien themed subject. I have also written a book called The Angel Committee set in 1952 when Sir Winston Churchill write a memo expressing interested in flying saucer. From t