This Week In Costa Rica - Expats Living, Working, And Traveling In Costa Rica

Paradise Imperfect: An American Family Moves To The Costa Rican Mountains



This week I’m joined by Dan Stevens of the Costa Rican Times to discuss the Costa Rican soccer team reaching the quarter finals, an update on the parking meters in Jaco, repairs the road Calle Hermosa, another sad real estate fraud case, and bus services stepping up their customer service. Next up, author Margot Page joins me to talk about her latest book, Paradise Imperfect: An American Family Moves To The Costa Rican Mountains. From her website, Margot self-describes herself as “A traveler who struggles with the truth of her relative wealth. I’d rather fall on a knife than write a thoughtless-privileged-white-girl book. This isn’t easy as I am white, privileged, and frequently (I am sorry to say) thoughtless. When it comes to doing something valuable and meaningful, I try with middling success to act more, whine less.” We had a great conversation ranging from her experiences in Costa Rica with her wonderful family, values and life lessons learned, and a wide variety of topics that happen when two gringos ju