This Week In Costa Rica - Expats Living, Working, And Traveling In Costa Rica

Shark Finning and "Green" Costa Rica



This Week in Costa Rica will feature each week a news portion in which Dan and Rico (qCostaRica) will talk about the happenings in and around the land of "Pura Vida". With over 30 years of living in Costa Rica between the two it give a unique insight into life in CR.Rico from QCostaRica joins us to address various topics going on in and around Costa Rica, including the current problem with shark finning in the country:1. Shark Finning in Costa Rica2. Costa Rica Animal Protection Bill3. 2015 Expomovil in Costa Rica4. Getting Poluting Cars off the Costa Rican Roads5. Job Fair Jobs are Considered Against the Unemployment Rate?6. Stealing Text Messages in Costa Rica Can Put You in JailThis is followed by our Property of the Week, a Condo in Jaco for under $60,000.