This Week In Costa Rica - Expats Living, Working, And Traveling In Costa Rica

Do You Have to Lie, Cheat & Steal To Make Money in Costa Rica?



This Week in Costa Rica will feature each week a news portion in which Dan and Rico (qCostaRica) will talk about the happenings in and around the land of "Pura Vida". With over 30 years of living in Costa Rica between the two it give a unique insight into life in CR. Rico from QCostaRica and Dan start by talking about rainy season in Costa Rica and then address various topics in Costa Rica including: 1.  Turrialba Volcano Activity in Costa Rica 2. Buying Ash From the Turrialba Volcano 3. Cody Dial's Remains Found in Costa Rica 4. Zika and Microcephaly in Costa Rica 5. The Zika Virus in Jaco Beach Costa Rica 6. Lack of Traffic Police in Costa Rica 7. New Banking Rules for Wire Transfers Then Dan and Rico talk about lying, cheating and stealing in Costa Rica.  They go back and forth with the topic and discuss if it is necessary to make money in business in the country.