This Week In Costa Rica - Expats Living, Working, And Traveling In Costa Rica

Visiting Cuba & Why I Decided to Leave Costa Rica



This Week in Costa Rica will feature each week a news portion in which Dan and Rico (qCostaRica) will talk about the happenings in and around the land of "Pura Vida". With over 30 years of living in Costa Rica between the two it give a unique insight into life in CR. Rico from QCostaRica and Dan start by talking about the weather in Costa Rica and then have a dialog about their recent life events. First off is a discussion about Rico's recent trip to Cuba.  We talk about his experience there, what it was like travelling around Havanna, the cost of living and what he liked and disliked about the country.  As for now it is a great place to visit but not on Rico's list of places he would want to live. Then Dan talks about his decision to head back to the USA. Although he has had a great run in Costa Rica it was time for him to try to find a place where he could actually save a little money for retirement.  We discuss the difficulties of making money in Costa Rica and how the cost of living has increased in recen