The Sample Hour

TSH - 224 - Democrats Self-Destruct - J.R. McMillan



J.R. McMillan is a freelance journalist. He wrote an article about me and my farm back in October of 2008. On this episode we discuss the state of the Democrat Party and its destruction this election cycle. Links Referenced on show: The DCCC Is Trying to Put Me Out of Business — and I’m a Democrat. HOUSE DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP WARNS IT WILL CUT OFF ANY FIRMS THAT CHALLENGE INCUMBENTS Progressives hammer DCCC over blacklist targeting primary challenges DCCC TO CONSULTANTS: HELPING TO ELECT A REPUBLICAN? SURE, WE’LL WORK WITH YOU. SECRETLY TAPED AUDIO REVEALS DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP PRESSURING PROGRESSIVE TO LEAVE RACE NEW DETAILS SHOW HOW DEEPLY IOWA CAUCUS APP DEVELOPER WAS EMBEDDED IN DEMOCRATIC ESTABLISHMENT NYC purged 200,000 voters in 2016. It wasn’t a mistake. By Changing Primary Rules, Democrats Are Undermining Bernie Sanders—and Themselves Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC Court Concedes DNC Had the Right to Rig Primaries Against Sanders Iowa Democrats Give Buttigieg th