Pull The Plug

PTP 342 - March 17, 2019 - St. Paddy's WYR, Best Rock Vocalists, and a Playlist to Drink To



Opening - The A.I Rapper Now or Never (cover) by Victoria Bernardo Buzzfeed - Would You Rather? - St. Paddy’s Day Edition Stage Fright (cover) by Lumberjunk The Pull the Plug St. Patrick’s Day Playlist - On Apple Music - On Spotify Stars by Quite Articulate Sucks to Suck - Mother and daughter rig homecoming election - Man robs bank in rental car, uses money to buy car - Man covers himself in oil…in an alleyway Back Door by The Dickens Ranker - The Best Rock Vocalists of All-Time So Far by Among Millions Closing/Suggestions - Beastie Boys Story - Such Pretty Forks in the Road by Alanis Morissette - Curiosity Killed It podcast - Nocturne by Wild Nothing - The Last Blockbuster - Workin’ Moms on CBC - Zack Snyder’s Justice League - Broken Record podcast - Cinema Saves the World charity drive Want to support the show? patreon.com/ptppodcast Use our Amazon affiliate link and buy ALL THE THINGS Rate us on iTunes! Want to reach out to us? Email: contact@ptppodcast.com Twitter: twitter.com/ptppodcast Website: ptpp