Kendra Divine Purpose Mentor

Integration Guided Meditation



Integration Guided Meditation Virgo Full Moon Guided Meditation Preparing us for the energy in March but this can be used at any time. #FullMoon #DivineMother #ChristConsciousness Kendra Divine Purpose Mentor is a Spiritually Conscious Personal Growth & Transformation Mentor. She is an Author of the book Shadow To Light The Doorway To Enlightenment. Her purpose is to inspire wakefulness and co-creation on this planet. She uses her Extrasensory abilities to help people connect with their higher self and her tools learned through metaphysical anatomy healing to gracefully guide her clients in completing trauma cycles held within the body. She is a clear conscious channel bringing through spirit connections, and Multidimensional messages for her clients. Her vibration will catalyst your growth and expansion. Book your session with Kendra now. She is a Personal Guide for helping you master living authentically, healing from your past trauma, she faci