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how to "SMOKE OUT" High-Profit Deals... And Nobody Looks Here! | Episode 2



Would you like to get CRAZY-PROFITABLE DEALS that NO OTHER INVESTOR is even aware of? Here’s a great and ridiculously easy way to eliminate basically all of your competition in your local market and start raking in money doing easy, EASY real estate deals. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 2.------Let’s go ahead and eliminate 80 percent of your competition for awesome, high-profit deals right off the bat, shall we? But before we do that, I want to take 30 seconds to mention something that most investors consider TOTALLY IRRELEVANT that will be scaring off a large portion of your buyers if you don’t adjust your marketing in 2016. According to a new Berkshire Hathaway HomeService survey (that’s Warren Buffet’s company, so we listen when it releases data!), nearly two-thirds of young homebuyers say that rising interest rates are likely to scare them right back off buying, something the housing market – and we as investors – simply can’t afford to let happen. Want to know how to deal with this issue? We’ve got al