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GREEN BERETS SECRETS to INFILTRATING hot markets fast | Episode 7



How would you like to INFILTRATE the country’s HOTTEST REAL ESTATE MARKETS and immediately get started leveraging those thriving economies without wasting days, weeks, months, or YEARS “putting in your time” first? If you can’t resist the boiling-over markets like Denver, Colorado or just about anything on the West Coast, then this episode is one you can’t afford to miss. I’ve got the proven secrets (delivered straight from a real, live Green Beret who’s been working in these markets for more than a decade) today. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 7.So before I introduce you to my friend who likes his markets hot, I’ve got to mention something else that appears to be “boiling over” – and not in a good way – that you need to be aware of if you install “smart” appliances in your investment homes or if you’ve got any of those cool-but-creepy devices in your own personal castle. Rumor has it that one of the most popular (and most potentially profitable) smart-home startups out there (purchased by Google a few yea