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REVEALED... the HOTTEST HOUSING MARKETS this spring | Episode 35



Wouldn’t you like to know IN ADVANCE where the hottest housing action will be in the next three months? We’ve got the simmering scoop today. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 35. Spring is warming up, and a boiling hot summer is coming in real estate. Wouldn’t you like the down and dirty about the markets that everyone is calling the “hottest in the country” in time to get in on that appreciation action? Of course you would, especially since all is not quite what is seems…More on that in just one minute. Before we get started, I want to mention something that is far less hot and far MORE controversial and, surprise of surprises, it has to do with the federal government getting right into the middle of your real estate investing business, as usual. According to new guidelines from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (that’s HUD to friends), landlords who refuse to rent to tenants with arrests and criminal records will now face penalties and lawsuits for discrimination if they’re caught. That’s a BI