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Get the SAME 3 BANKRUPTCY SECRETS DONALD TRUMP USED to Build a Real Estate Empire and PROTECT $10B in Net Worth | Episode 36



How would you like access to the same 3 bankruptcy secrets that DONALD TRUMP used to BUILD his real estate empire and then PROTECT that $10 BILLION in net worth when disaster struck? I’ve got them right here in black and white today. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 36. Whether you love Donald Trump or hate him, you can’t deny he’s a real live real estate empire-building success. Wouldn’t it be great if you had access to the same secret legal loopholes in the banking and real estate systems that Trump used to not only BUILD his real estate empire but then also protect it from BANKRUPTCY when that $10-BILLION empire was threatened? Imagine being able to access the same secret, high-level “underworld” in real estate that Donald Trump and other insiders use to buy properties for pennies on the dollar. Imagine shining a spotlight on the LEGAL but INVISIBLE transactions that go on in that world every day not just when it comes to getting shockingly low prices on residential real estate, but also on commercial dea