

Is Facebook losing its mojo and, if so, is it YOUR FAULT as a real estate investor? Find out how real estate may have BROKEN FACEBOOK in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 39. So is Facebook really losing its magic, and are real estate investors to blame? It looks like the social media behemoth could be heading for a rough patch according to some hard numbers recently released by Fortune Magazine. I’ll tell you all about those numbers in just a minute, but before we get to cold, hard, sad (for Facebook) numbers, I’d like to mention some numbers that will have you breaking out the confetti instead. Here are just a few: 2.3 million, 180,000, and 232. Confused? Don’t be. Those numbers all have to do with deals that a certain commercial real estate EXPERT who is also a frequent guest on this podcast has done recently, and let’s just say that the “big numbers” have to do with fast flips and property values (where she bought with none of her own money) and that “smaller” number, 232, has to do with