

Donald Trump has spent decades building his real estate and business empire, but is the real estate titan-turned-presidential candidate telling the truth about a very nasty lawsuit that challenges the foundation of his business and real estate experience? Today, we’ll dig into the truth about Trump, the lawsuits against him that could sink his candidacy, and the cold facts about real estate education in America. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 41.Love him or hate him, Donald Trump doesn’t appear to be disappearing, as so many on both sides of the aisle would like him to, any time soon. Another thing with Trump’s name on it that also isn’t going anywhere anytime soon is a HUGE (as the man himself would say) lawsuit against Trump University and the billionaire personally, launched on behalf of students who say that Trump’s educational institution promised them success, a FAST TRACK to it in fact, then couldn’t deliver. Ever-voracious New York state attorney general Eric Schneiderman (he’s known mainly for his