

Just filed your taxes? Then today’s episode is just for you. Whether you’re dreading filing or nursing your wounds after doing so, wouldn’t you like a little pick-me-up in the form of a day of TAX FREEDOM? I’m Carole Ellis. I’ll tell you all the details today, in Episode 43.--So who could use a little dose of tax freedom? I know I could! And speaking of taxes, if you ever wanted to leverage those suckers to your REAL ESTATE INVESTING ADVANTAGE, then I’ve got a little video you’re not going to want to miss. Check out this free presentation at right now. It’ll make you think of taxes in a far more positive light…Now, back to tax freedom day (yes, that’s actually what it’s called). Did you know that your state has an official day, determined by the Tax Foundation, known as Tax Freedom Day? Nationwide, it’s April 24. That is the day that the United States, as a body, has earned enough to pay its $4.99 TRILLION tax bill for 2016 (that’s 31 percent of our national income, by the way). But t