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Expert Reveals: How to avoid a DEAL-KILLING TAX on your real estate deals | Episode 44



How would you like to know a secret method that could literally SAVE YOUR SHIRT on some of your best real estate deals? Today, my guest expert today reveals how to avoid paying a certain type of tax that can demolish your bottom line without proper preparation. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 44.---Imagine this investing situation. You purchase a property in your own name and do a great rehab on it. It’s the best deal you’ve ever done, and you turn a massive profit in the space of about a year. You’re ecstatic, and then your accountant calls. He tells you that you are going to owe THOUSANDS of dollars to the federal government because of this fantastic deal, and, while you still made a profit, suddenly your stellar numbers aren’t what you expected them to be. You’re deflated, your business plan is knocked off course by the unexpected expense, and you angrily start reconsidering real estate.Sounds pretty terrible, doesn’t it?Well, good news! It doesn’t have to work out that way. And today’s guest, a patent-h