

Did you hear the one about the real estate scammer and his LOVEAFFAIR with the federal government? It’s pretty ridiculous if youdig into the details. And you know I’ve got them all here for you.I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 47.We’ve all read the news releases from the state attorneygeneral, the FBI, the Justice Department, the Consumer FinancialProtection Bureau, etc… All those entities that love to get on thenews and just badmouth the HECK out of real estate investors who,they say, have been SCAMMING away like crazy. The message there is,as you know, that the investors are SCAMMING innocent homeowners.In reality, however, the government LOVES the cons out there thatare giving YOU a bad name, and I’ve got the proof in today’sepisode.Before we go any farther, however, I want to take a quick minuteto talk about real real estate scammers. The guys that give YOU abad name, make it hard for you to work with homeowners, and justgenerally are bad for the industry. You can learn something fromthem. That’s right,