

What if some COMMONLY TAUGHT credit repair advice for realestate investors could LAND YOU IN JAIL? Keep the cuffs OFF andlisten up! I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 48.I have heard this credit advice THIS WEEK from a guy I know onFacebook that a number of you probably would (or do) regard as anexpert when it comes to real estate financing. And it’s terrible,lousy, horrible advice that can land you in jail (and it just didland a New Jersey banker in seriously hot water and he could get 30years in prison for it). So you’ll want to pay carefulattention…Before we get to that, however, I want to take a quick minute tomention one of my favorite topics: free money for your real estatedeals. Did you know that the federal government – not to mentionyour state and local bodies – actually provides MILLIONS of dollarsin funding for real estate investors who are making, and I quote,contributions to their communities? Think about it: every time youflip a house or purchase a distressed property, you think you’readding valu