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Is it TOO LATE to “make bank” in the NEW SILICON VALLEY? | Episode 49



Are you missing out on the opportunity to invest in a NEWSILICON VALLEY? I’ve got the details on this hot market (and howmuch higher it might go) in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. Thisis Episode 49. Did you miss the boat on investing in the nation’s “New” SiliconValley? Welll, let’s just say if you’re not equipped to take out ajumbo mortgage on an investment property, then you might have toget a little creative to participate. I’ll give you all the details– including the location – in just a minute, but first, I’ve got anexciting announcement: REI Today is now on Twitter! Get updates,pictures, fun and sometimes weird real estate facts and MORE ACCESSto my guests by heading over there right now (www.REI.Today/Twitter) and following me! And you knowI’ll follow you right back, so let’s build your real estate networktogether. Remember, your net worth directly correlates to yourNETWORK, so take this easy step right now. That’s www.REI.Today/Twitter. You’ll love it.Now, back to the New Silicon Valley…We all kno