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the URBAN EYESORE that's selling million-dollar homes | Episode 50



Wouldn’t you like to know about an URBAN EYESORE that used tosend buyers running AWAY but now can bring them running to theclosing table? Even better, most investors will AUTOMATICALLY PASSon this “great” location. I’m Carole Ellis. I’ve got all thedetails today in episode 50.So wouldn’t you want to know about a location that could lurehomebuyers in droves, persuade them to pay triple the U.S. medianhome sales price in some areas, and was basically an “open-airsecret” from most investors? Of course you would, which is why I’mhere. I’ll tell you all about it, but first I want to make youaware of a BIG CHANGE that is going to affect the way a lot of youfind your deals. It has to do with AUCTION.COM, and let’s just sayif you don’t have all the information, you might think that thisonline real estate platform has GONE AWAY. The truth, however, ismuch bigger and more exciting (if you know how to take advantage ofthis MAJOR CHANGE), and you can get all the details in our News& Networking section at www.rei.toda