

Donald Trump is at it again (did he really ever stop?), makinghuge headlines for saying wildly unpopular things that, let’s faceit, a lot of us fear might be true. These days, Trump is tellingsome hard truths about housing, and if he’s right the federalgovernment could be setting up investors for PURE DISASTER. I’mCarole Ellis, and I’ll tell you all about how Trump is threateninghousing today, in Episode 52.So Donald Trump isn’t known for his discretion or respect forthe tender feelings of others, and he’s back at it again (and notjust by finally routing his main competition, Ted Cruz, right outof the race), riling up the federal government elite, making somenasty housing observations – and accusations – against the FederalReserve and the entire federal government. I’ll tell you all aboutwhat the Donald said in just a minute, but since we’re talkingabout Trump I want to mention a really interesting resource we’vegot in the REI Today Vault right now. It’s a timeline that we builtusing a LOT of public informati