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REAL-LIFE CASE STUDY: Life-Changing PROFITS from PLAYING ROBIN HOOD to foreclosure victims | Episode 54



What would you say if I told you that you could make a huge,life-changing impact on the financial well-being of FORECLOSUREABUSE VICTIMS all while building a lasting, viable business modelfor yourself? Oh, and also while EXPOSING GOVERNMENT WASTE ANDFRAUD in the process? If you’re like most of my savvy, passionatelisteners, you’d say “Tell me more!” Well I’ll tell you all thedetails right now. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 54.Let’s jump right in, because I just LOVE this story (and it’s atrue one, which makes it even better). There’s a guy living in theMidwest, we’ll call him “Joel,” and you’ll see in a second why wearen’t using his real name. Anyway, there’s this guy up in theMidwest and a few years ago, he hit some hard times. You know, thekind of times where you have to decide which bills to pay and whichones to let slide and Joel, well, he decided to keep his lights onand feed his family at the expense of his property tax bill. And,as these things go, that property tax bill mounted up but Joelstill wa