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Why a $1,000 Piece of Land BEATS $100K IN REAL ESTATE “Every” Time | Episode 55



If I offered you your choice of two properties: a $1,000 vacant parcel of land and a $100,000 house, which would you choose? If you’re like most people, you’d snap up the house. And you’d be making a BIG MISTAKE. I’ll tell you why in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 55. --- If someone told you that you’d be crazy not to take a $1000 parcel of vacant land over a $100,000 house, you’d probably turn right around and tell them they’re nuts. However, my guest today has spent the last 20 years doing just that, and let’s just say his business, his investment success, and frankly his LIFESTYLE indicate that he’s not crazy at all. I’ll tell you all about it in today’s episode, but first I want to take just a minute to talk about something that IS crazy: making BAD DECISIONS when you know they’re bad just because your EMOTIONS say you want them to be good. Did you know that’s how more than 90 percent of all real estate scams happen? The victims KNOW they’re doing something inadvisable, but they DO IT