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3 ways to add AT LEAST $2,500 to your home value for less than $1K in the kitchen | Episode 67



Would you like to know three MINOR CHANGES to your kitchen that could add at least $2,500 to your home value (in some cases) and in some cases, far more, that you can make for less than $1,000? I’m Carole Ellis. I’ve got all the details on these cheap and easy changes that can mean faster sales for higher profits today, in episode 67. So wouldn’t you like to do a quick few hours of work and pull in an extra few THOUSAND DOLLARS on your home sales price? Of course you would! And I’ve got the details on exactly where you should be putting that very minimal sweat equity of yours in today’s episode. However, before we get to that, I want to talk about another kind of equity, the kind made out of cold, hard dollars and cents. In certain cities around the country, home values are spiraling upward so fast that some analysts are starting to whisper that nasty word (bubble) when they talk about them. However, in particular locales, there are factors that make a bubble highly unlikely but that make appreciation (and e