Susan Hyatts Rich Coach Club

132. The Opportunity of a Lifetime



Have you ever stumbled across a job description…or a scholarship…or a grant…or a speaking gig…and you GASPED and thought, Oh my GOSH. This is amazing. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. I pray that they pick me. So you apply and then cross your fingers…and wait and hope…and maybe you get it, or maybe you don’t. It’s not fully within your control to decide. On today’s show, we’re going to flip this around. We’re going to talk about how to CREATE the opportunity you want…instead of hoping that someone else decides to give it to you.  I want you to give YOURSELF the opportunity of a lifetime. I’ve got a story to share with you today—plus a really cool exercise for you to do at the end of the show. Keep listening. So much goodness ahead.