Zero Fox Left

Meghan Markle Looks White



This week in stupid AF, Oprah interviewed Meghan Markle and Price Harry and, spoiler alert, it was weird. Markle started by stating she was depressed and suicidal while being literally a princesss; imagine if she was broke, homeless, or a prostitute. Perhaps some people will never be happy. Then Markle said that there were people in the royal family concerned the baby might be darker than desired. Apparently Markle who looks like a barely tanned white chick or on her best bronzer day, a fair Latina who has been hiding from the sun. Meanwhile, Harry looks like Ron Weasley grown up and somehow between the two the baby might look like Wesley Snipes. Spoiler Alert: The baby is Albino AF. The baby looks like the offspring of Wonder Bread and Mayo. Anyone buying this nonsense propaganda interview can go Fox themselves