Wise Talks Health

Ep.40: The COVID-19 Vaccine



This week Derek and Jordan are joined by Dr. Kristy Langford, Director of Corporate Pharmacy Services, and Dr. Michael Dawson, Clinical Pharmacy Manager, to discuss all things COVID-19 Vaccine. Kristy and Michael walk us through what the COVID-19 Vaccine is, how it works, things to consider before deciding to take it, and Wise Health System's journey with distributing it to our population!   Website: https://www.wisehealthsystem.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WiseHealthSystem/?__tn__=kC-R&eid=ARDCWcJ_aGesDoW8ZzeGLa5_8OHZm5QCqayhSotXa_dGLxQ9m7DnoQsRBYRnsY50k52xRcp2HrWrwR_9&hc_ref=ART5acT1dKfGKURV4KPvcjaDOoJMM7e-nIO7Iy6V6TuD5853bqG7bhPDkGuvTKsjzu0&fref=nf&__xts__ Instagram: @wisehealthsystem https://www.instagram.com/wisehealthsystem/ Twitter: @WiseHealthTX https://twitter.com/WiseHealthTX