Foundation Church

The Myth of Righteousness



The New Testament opens in Luke’s gospel with a story of two righteous people and a promise neither of the expected. Interestingly the righteous life is usually full of unexpected realities and today's text will allow us to look at some of the lies believed about the lives of those who are righteous. Discipleship Questions: 1. The well known story of Zechariah and Elizabeth is often looked at only through a lense of Christmas, what did you learn about Zecharaih and Elizabeth from the text? 2. What is the one essential factor in beig made righteous? Why do you think this is? 3. What is a myth about righteous people you have heard and/or believed? 4. Why do you think God allows his people to endure suffering and shame while simultaneously calling them righteous? 5. How does Christ model for us the perfect life of a righteous person?