Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

Opening to Grief



Opening to Grief is an invitation to be with your grief in all its depths and to find your unique way to peace, balance, and acceptance. This slim volume encourages you to begin wherever you are and to offer yourself kindness at a time of losses and suffering. Open to any page and you'll find comfort and inspiration, as well as profound practices anchored in mindfulness and meditation. Chapters describe how art and writing and spending time in nature offer paths to healing, and how we help each other when we act generously and create beloved communities. The essential message of Opening to Grief is that grief and love are intertwined. Drawing upon her experiences as a clinical social worker and bereavement counselor, author Claire Willis helps us deepen and expand our understanding of grief. When COVID-19 arrived in early 2020, we learned that the unimaginable can happen and that grief not only engulfs us when we experience a personal loss, such as the death of a pet or partner. In the pandemic, we have lost