The Dm's Deep Dive With Mike Shea

Be on the Players' Side



Mike talks about the importance of being on the players' side when we run our D&D games. Youtube video version Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter Support Sly Flourish on Patreon Buy Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master  Core principles - Working *with* the players, not against them. - You're not a competitor. - The DM is an antenna to another world. We're the vehicle for storytelling. - We're not the baddies. We're not our villains. We're not on the opposite side of the chess board. - We're *fans* of the characters (Thanks Dungeon World!) - The players understand about half of what's going on. - The characters understand far more than the players do. - The characters are smart and skilled in their roles. They have knowledge the characters do not. - Fun doesn't mean just upward beats, it means risk and reward, upward and downward beats. Hard situations and hard meaningful decisions. The DM's Job - Build the situation around the story, not around the characters. - Clarify that situation to the p