Empowered By Iron

Eating for Health and Gains: The Missing Pieces - Episodes 55



Eating for Health and Gains: The Missing Pieces - Episodes 55 You’ve heard about macros and micros, carbs and fats, protein and sugar...but what does it all mean and how does it apply to you as an athlete. In today’s episode, we discuss what a ‘Healthy Diet’ actually means. We drop quite the knowledge bomb on you, so make sure you have a pen and paper ready to take some notes! Check out our parent company Female Strength Academy - The only online resource created by and for female strength athletes. Eat for Strength and Eat for Strength - Cut courses are now LIVE! A Complete Guide to Intuitive Eating (Ebook) Support our Patreon Page! Join our Facebook Group page: Women in Strength - Athlete Resource. Follow us on Instagram and tag us in your posts by using the hashtag #empoweredbyiron & Please leave us a review on iTunes! :) Highlights: 3:15 - What is a healthy diet for a female strength athlete? 12:00 - Carbs, carbs the magical macro Episode - Manipulating Carbohydrates for Training and Recovery