Nostalgia Wax

Episode 15 - The 12 Commandments of Concertgoing



Make way, Moses! Josh and Frank put together the do's and don'ts of concertgoing. Before you go see your next show, do your fellow concertgoers a favor and listen to this podcast! Do you do any of these things? Than what the heck is wrong with you? Stop! If you think your behavior doesn't bother others, we assure you that you are incorrect. What to wear? What to listen to on the way to the show? How much should I imbibe? Should I go see this band? All of these questions and more will be answered for your listening pleasure and a better overall concert experience for the rest of humanity. ALSO: The next Nostalgie Awards are just around the corner for Episode 20. The awards for the Year 2002 will be handed out and you can help choose the winners. Hit us up on Twitter or Facebook and let us know who you want nominated and who your winners would be. As a reminder, here are the categories for the Year 2002: Promotional Artwork Cheap Crap Videogames Song of the Year Album of the Year Television Performance of