Nostalgia Wax

Episode 16 - What Doesn't Kill Me Makes Me Stronger



In this episode of The Nostalgia Wax Podcast, Josh and Frank talk about the times they nearly broke themselves in half. Stitches and casts and gauze pads, Oh my! Josh's short lived career as a cowboy, Frank's short lived career as a member of a biker gang and a memorable post op trip to Target help bring the funny. We have a fever and the only cure is for you to SUBSCRIBE and RATE us on iTunes. Follow us on Twitter @Nostalgia_Wax Like or Rate us on Facebook @thenostalgiawax The next Nostalgie Awards are just around the corner for Episode 20. The awards for the Year 2002 will be handed out and you can help choose the winners. Hit us up on Twitter or Facebook and let us know who you want nominated and who your winners would be. As a reminder, here are the categories for the Year 2002: Promotional Artwork Cheap Crap Videogames Song of the Year Album of the Year Television Performance of the Year Television Program that Debuted in 2002 Movie Performance of the Year Movie of the Year