Nostalgia Wax

Episode 23 - Wish I Didn't Know Now What I Didn't Know Then



It's getting a bit heavy up in here. Frank and Josh take a stroll down memory lane and take a pit stop along some of life's bad decisions. Oh what could have been. The Girl that got away. The bully we stood up to. The bullies we DIDN'T stand up to. That drunken night in college that Frank got experimental. It's all here and MORE! Disclaimer for the Nostalgia Wives: We don't regret where we're at today and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, but if we could have taken a different road to get to today.... well that's where the heart of this episode lies. Please SUBSCRIBE and RATE us on iTunes. Follow us on Twitter @Nostalgia_Wax Like or Rate us on Facebook @thenostalgiawax