

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Eric Geiger are joined by Ron Edmondson, senior pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church and author of The Mythical Leader: The Seven Myths of Leadership. During their conversation, they discuss the following questions: What is a conflict or failure that has benefited you in leadership? Who or what has been the greatest leadership influence in your life? What do you want your legacy to be? What habits or practices do you focus on to continue to learn as a leader? What's the best piece of leadership advice that you've ever been given? BEST QUOTES "I’ve got something else to learn and there is somebody else who has already learned it, so I’m going to go find them." "One of my principles in leadership is you can’t lead people you don’t love." "I like to hear from different voices, even voices I don’t agree with." "I have discovered pastors are terrible at disciplining their time, at learning to say no, and at really resting." "Leader