Live Rich

Constructive or Destructive Behaviour?



Get the full story here:  Summary: Do you ever stop to consider whether the effect of what you are doing each day is constructive or destructive to you? How do your choices and actions effect you, whether physical or in relation to the life you are creating for yourself? People often just seem to fall into their habits. It’s as if they just happen, without them even being aware of it. Many habits develop unconsciously through our upbringing and exposure to our environment over time. Sometimes we may fall into destructive behaviours because they just seem easier or more appealing, like eating the unhealthy snacks or supersized meals that are made to look so enticing in advertisements. What are your current habits? You probably have some that are quite good, such as brushing your teeth, while others may be destructive to your health and well-being, holding you back from achieving your potential. What if you were to purposefully create constructive habits that could change your life and