Live Rich

Live Rich 15: Vacations: A Time to Recharge



Summary:  Vacations: A Time to Recharge View the full post and website here:  When you are striving to get ahead, putting in the extra effort and hours required to achieve your goals and create the future that you have envisioned, it can get extremely hectic. As part of your overall planning and goal setting, it is also important to occasionally reward yourself with some downtime or real time away. This will allow you to recharge your energy, clear your mind and gain perspective on things, so that you come back reinvigorated and ready to create your future. If you are going all out, being highly productive and possibly creating a business that will provide you with the additional cash flow you require to begin investing and attaining multi-millionaire status, then you will also occasionally need time to recharge. Don’t think of this as being self-indulgent. It is critical that you set aside time for yourself to do something that you truly enjoy. Doing so will allow you to gain perspectiv