Live Rich

Live Rich 16: Trading Currencies for Cash Flow



What if you could trade just an hour a week to increase you cash flow? See if Forex trading may be right for you. View the full post and website here:  Summary: Trading Currencies for Cash Flow Forex trading may be a good option to consider if you are looking for a new income stream to increase your cash flow and don’t have a great deal of extra time. Increasing your cash flow is critical when you are striving to get ahead. There are many ways to do this, including getting a second job, or starting a part time business. But what if you simply don’t have time for this? There are many potential avenues for adding to your income stream and there is not a one size fits all approach. One possible strategy is trading the markets. The skill set and amount of time that you will be required to dedicate to this endeavour will vary depending on the trading instrument(s) and particular market you are involved in. Some types of trading (e.g. day-trading) require you to invest a considerable amount of y