Live Rich

Do The Right Thing



It’s tempting to perennially subscribe to the notion that “tomorrow is another day”; that our choices in the here and now have little impact since we can always get a mulligan on the next round. But the truth is that the choices and decisions you make – on matters large and small alike – directly impact the quality of your career, relationships, and legacy on this planet. While none of us have access to perfect knowledge or can operate in complete confidence that we are taking the right path, we can strive to make our decisions with the very best spirit in mind. There are numerous examples of choices you can make that will help to better the odds that you will ultimately find yourself on the path to success.  Read on for insight into how you can start making better choices and maximize your success. You can also view the full post and video here:  Summary: What we do each and everyday, even in those in-between moments, affects the quality of our lives directly. If the choices we make each