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Your First Step Toward Greatness



The first step in a new endeavor can very often be the most difficult. It can be very easy to be overwhelmed at the prospect of launching onto a new journey – whether it is writing a book from a blank page, starting up a new company from scratch, or learning how to master a brand new skill. It isn’t important that you are a master or expert (or maybe even all that good) when you are first launching a new endeavor. The important thing is that you simply get going, and take that first step. View the full post and video here:  Summary: An old adage tells us that even a journey of a thousand steps must begin with one first step. So why is it so hard for us to take it? Why do so many of us perpetually dawdle and stall on getting started along the path to our dreams? The beginning of a new professional journey is always a daunting proposition. If there is ever a time to bail out of a risky new exploit, it is surely right before it even begins. It can be easy to be overwhelmed by all of the ne