Wild Soul Medicine Radio W/ Jody England

Joshua Hathaway... He's Coming Undone



After our pause last week to honor the Yes’s and No’s of the silenced feminine, today we resume our Holy Hot Seat sessions with the tender, violent, raw, and heart-breakingly real session of Joshua Hathaway.This one is so sacredly vulnerable I almost don’t know how to speak of it. The Gifts in it are of the deepest most rip-you-open kind. If I were one who believes in “trigger warnings” this one would have one on it, because it includes a graphic, detailed accounting of sexual violence and trauma. And… I believe that scratching the record by offering an undefended picture of what the anatomy of trauma can and does look like in a human experience - as we pull a thread of a seemingly innocuous inquiry and follow it to its roots - is worth “offending” our delicate places and shaking us out of our compartmentalized containers of all the things that hold us separate - from ourselves and each other.Violence and pain exist.And mostly all of us have experienced these things to varying degrees. When we take those shat