The Action Catalyst With Rory Vaden

Selling Through Disruption With Alan Morton and Stuart Lotherington – Episode 339 of The Action Catalyst Podcast



How can you continue to perform through disruption, overcome adversity, and focus on the positive? Alan Morton and Stuart Lotherington, of SBR Consulting, focus in on the tools and principles that have helped them live out their core value of finding a way in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic.  “Every time you feel you’re on a certain path - look out – because something’s going to come and knock you off that path.” “Finding a way is one of our core values.” “Thinking in terms of absolutes never works.” More About Stuart Lotherington Stuart Lotherington is one of two Managing Directors of SBR Consulting and has been in the firm for over 13 years. He is still very much involved with his clients having dedicated 30 years to Sales Force Effectiveness. He is often asked to present at conferences all over the world on sales strategy and execution. In his time with SBR he has been engaged in over 250 client projects. They range from Google, Sir Robert McAlpine, Expedia & Facebook to numerous profession