The Action Catalyst With Rory Vaden

Winning Now, Winning Later with David Cote – Episode 340 of The Action Catalyst Podcast



Is it possible to succeed in the short term while investing in the long term? Former Honeywell CEO, David Cote, explains how you can have both in his new book, “Winning Now, Winning later.” With guest host and Southwestern Family of Companies CEO, Dustin Hillis, David Cote shares stories from his new book as well as lessons and principles that have helped him to advance quickly in his career and weather seasons of adversity while planting seeds for future growth. “Life and Business are always about trying to achieve two seemingly conflicting things at the same time” - David Cote “Advancement requires two things: Performance and Visibility.” - David Cote “You have to think about three constituencies: Customers, Investors or Owners, and Your People. Of those three, Customers have to come first.” - David Cote “Keep doing the seed planting” - David Cote More About David Cote: David M. Cote was formerly Chairman and CEO of industrial giant Honeywell and is currently Executive Chairman of Vertiv H