Small Talk With Syd - The Podcast

AT HOME SERIES: Mental Health, Veganism & Meditation @veggiekins



In Episode 22 I chat with with Remy Park (@veggiekins)who is a vegan recipe developer, registered yoga/meditation teacher, food photographer & blogger at Veggiekins. Her recipes have even been featured on ACBNews, NBC News, News12, Whole Foods Market and more. While she may have an impressive resume, Remy's journey wasn't all the easy.  Growing up she moved quite a bit and in her adolescent years developed Anorexia Nervosa coupled with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which led to destructive behaviors including self harming and substance/alcohol abuse. It wasn't until hitting rock bottom that she really woke up. Her journey to self healing is truly an amazing one and a story that everyone can benefit from hearing so be sure to tune in.  Syd,  xo  Remy's Instagram Remy's Blog LET'S MAKE SMALL TALK: Small Talk With Syd STWS Media WWW.SMALLTALKWITHSYD.COM