Company Of One With Dale Callahan

175: The Three Kinds of People at Work. Which one are you? [Podcast]



There are only three kinds of people at work. I am not talking about the normal grouping of the three kinds of people you might have heard of before: Those that make things happen. Those that watch what happens. Those who wonder what happened. (By the way, I might add a fourth - those who have no idea anything happened. But that is not my point today.) But, I have noticed that we can divide three kinds of people in another way  - how they think, and what they have been taught to do. These three kinds of people are: Victims Followers Leaders I have found, and you have likely noticed yourself, that these three groups dominate the economy, politics, and certainly the workplace. Let's focus now at work. So today, we are continuing our discussion of the Company of One concept (from episode 174), but taking a moment to deal with MINDSET - something so critical to becoming a profitable Company of One. What are you? A victim? A follower? Or a leader? The Three Kinds of People at Work Victims Alway